Tuesday, August 9, 2011

La Ascencor de la Reina Victoria

We found a new way home today as we wandered around looking for a different ascensor and new things to see. There was a mild rebellion as our kids felt like we were taking them a bit out of our way as we delved deeper and deeper into the city looking for the elusive ascensor. There were grumpy faces, dragged feet, and more than one wistful look backwards at the familiar Plaza Sotomayor. We tried explaining to the kids that if we always took them the same way home day after day we might miss something great. They were not impressed with our logic.

Finalmente, we found the ascensor de La Reina Victoria. It was enchanting. They were unmoved. We ascended and immediately were surrounded by colorful houses, lush green vines and incredible vistas. They were unimpressed. Until!! We stepped out and there was the slide of dreams. Super long, super high and super fast! Made of metal and made for fun! Of the kids, only Julia Grace resisted the siren call of the slide. We did not take any photos of the actual sliding as Eric was too busy watching the kids slide in horror and I was too busy clapping. We will return more prepared.

The picture above is of the grumpy walkers. You can see the ascensor in the background, going straight up!! The pictures that follow are of the thrilled sliders and watcher. Emily Jane, Claire, and Claudia were behind Eric; begging for more turns to slide.


  1. Wow, Juliet. The blog is great! Please leave something for us to discover on our own, though. Doesn't have to be much, just a little bodega off the beaten track. Keep up the good work!

  2. Um, day two and there is still no evidence of my nieces and nephew sliding! How do I know that you and Eric weren't doing all the sliding while the kids had to hold your purse?

  3. Ok! We went back today! I will post the evidence when Eric gets my pictures on the computer. Claudia was in heaven that we went back so she thanks you for demanding proof!
